Martes, Hunyo 2, 2015

Why There Are Not That Much YouTubers In The Philippines.

Before you say "But there are so many Filipino YouTubers!", hear me out at least for just a second.

How many YouTubers do you know? Say at least 10 YouTubers.

See? There are not that much.

Now, there are other people who are gonna say "There are so much more 'Filo' YouTubers out there!" and yes, there are, I know. But they are not given as much recognition as they needed.

Which is why I've made a blog post about said topic. Here are the reasons why there are not that much YouTubers in the Philippines.

1. The #1 YouTube Channel in the Philippines is not from a YouTuber.

I saw this list on how YouTube channels in the Philippines ranked and the #1 rank goes to ABS-CBN's YouTube channel. I know that this is just a way for me to hate ABS-CBN since I hated them since an eternity ago, but this explains everything. Society has more time to watch clips from their favorite TV show than to watch videos from Filipino YouTubers.

2. Society focuses more on "YouTube Sensations" than "YouTubers" itself.

There is a difference between YouTube Sensation and YouTuber itself, and I think society is focusing more on the former. I mean, look at countries like the UK and US, they are giving YouTubers radio shows and TV shows, while here in the PH, the greatest thing a YouTuber has received is a cameo on a movie and a spot on a comedy TV show. Yes, I was talking about Moy Moy Palaboy and Bogart the Explorer.

3. The only famous YouTubers are not even doing YouTube anymore.

Well, with the exception of Mikey Bustos and Bogart the Explorer(or if you want to be more specific, his channel, PAPERBUGTV). Some of the Pinoy YouTubers I meant were Moy Moy Palaboy and Jamich.

4. Smaller YouTubers have been awfully ignored by society.

Because of reason #1 and #2, society has been ignoring smaller "Filo" YouTubers and have only been watch YouTubers from outside the country. I mean, that's fine and all but, there are also YouTubers here and they need your love.

So yeah, these are the reasons I think there are not that much famous YouTubers in the Philippines.

Linggo, Mayo 17, 2015


So, I haven't been blogging since, well, last year. Got side tracked with life, like all of us.

And I remembered, I haven't even done a 2014 recap blog, in which I'm going to do very quickly, since I have lots and lots of things to tell you.

2014 is where I went to cons frequently. At least for my standards, not yours.
2014 is the year where I finally went to Manila. Yes, I still haven't to Manila in the previous years, nor ever lived there.
2014 is the year where I have watched movies in the cinema very frequently, I call it my "Film Buff Transition Year".
2014 is where I did stuff more, like finally publishing my comics online, Even if it will take so long for me to post the next issue.
In short, 2014 is my year, and 2015 is no different.

More recently, I went to NexCon, and it, was a party.

I met some Whovians here and there, did a vlog, made some "friends" and other stuff.

SIDENOTE: I have a youtube channel, it's adoboisnotwhite.

I guess that's today's blog? I might blog a bit more frequently than last year. I hope?

Lunes, Enero 5, 2015


Okay, so I saw Kubot last last week and I've got a lot to say.

It got a lot of promotion, which may sound like a great move for a dumb movie. But no, it actually lived up to the hype.

Erik Matti, director of Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles and its sequel--which is this movie for all y'all who don't know--ditched the overuse of green screen from the first movie to spend almost all of its digital editing to the visual effects of the aswangs on the sequel.

Kubot, for those who don't know, is centered on Makoy(Dingdong Dantes) who, by luck(or bad luck, depending on how you think), encounters the aswangs for a second time due to Nieves(Lotlot de Leon), his relative's suspicion on her boss, Lex(Isabelle Daza)'s true identity.

First things first, it had the format of what seemed to be a feature-length TV episode, and literally picked up where Tiktik left off.

Lovi Poe, who play Sonya in the first film, may not be in Kubot, but her character still kinda is. But she gets replaced by a girl who looks like Mikael Daez and Lovi Poe's love child. But at a glance, you won't notice that, good job to the guys who gets the task of re-casting her.

The main conflict of this movie is Makoy being traumatized after seeing his "wife" get killed by the aswang right in front of him. Now, the story is well done, the effects are great, they did minimal green screen work in some scenes, especially the Pulupandan scene and probably some of Nieves and Makoy's house, but it turned out to be so good that you won't notice where the green screen is placed or how big the area actually is.

The movie has got a great balance of dark comedy, action, drama and adventure. The scenes the actually got me to laugh are when Nestor(Joey Marquez) suddenly did a back flip to evade the gunshots fired by the cops, the scene where one of the cops played by Bogart the Explorer used a cellphone app to prove that the CCTV footage was faked, the scene where Bogart the Cop just sees two different Nieves-es killing each other, and the scene where Tope(Jun Sabayton, an old favorite of mine) and Nestor did a fistfight.

But the only small flaw is at one point, it's got comedy-comedy-comedy-comedy scene after scene that it evaded us from the plot for a bit.

But still, it's worth checking out, it's got a 3.5 out of 5 stars for me. It's a good movie for everybody. But if you're a kid, just watch out for the foul language that you will hear.

Sabado, Agosto 2, 2014


You're welcome.

So, I saw Guardians of the Galaxy and I have this to say: I actually thanked Gunn for creating the movie as I left the theater. Guardians could be the quintessential throwback space movie.

I mean, you got a hero listening to old tunes on a Walkman, and then he goes on to make references to classic movies(I admit, that "Footloose Legend" thing was quite funny). And then there's the atmosphere of a space opera movie with a bunch of misfits(sounds like that one movie I know).

Anyway, I was overly surprised to see Thanos and Howard the Duck in the movie. I know, I'm ready to see Howard in the movie, but yo, Gunn really made one last joke by the end with Howard in it.

I'll just start talking about Groot. Man, Groot. How can I start? He's this innocent character in the group and then just goes all hero by the end. And then you realize he's played by Vin Diesel and then MIND = BLOWN. You''ll really believe Groot is not played by Vin just cause Vin rally played the role too damn well.

And then with Rocket. Bradley Cooper really works as the badass raccoon. He just goes all crazy as Rocket. All the scenes with him are absolutely LOL-worthy.

Star-Lord. His character was given quite enough backstory on how he got on Xandar on the first place. Was quite hilarious on some scenes, but knowing it's Chris Pratt, I expected he'd be quite hilarious.

Gamora. Zoe Saldana ain't no stranger to playing assassins, having played one in Colombiana and other movies. But hey, she also did good, and her character development from being a ruthless assassin to being a ruthless assassin with a heart is amazing.

Drax. I never saw Batista in other movies yet, but his acting is quite good. The character was badass on some fight scenes and all fight scenes.

Generally, the movie is a fun is a fun adventure movie. You could laugh with some scenes in the movie and then be thrilled in the next one. Gunn really had balance in the movie having it not too serious and not too comedic. Overall, a good flick with your Guardians of the Galaxy.

P.S. Baby Groot dancing to Jackson 5 is so f'kin cute.

Linggo, Mayo 25, 2014


So, we've come to this moment, Singer's back.

Yes, Bryan Singer's back at directing the X-Men franchise, and it looks like he is doing it right again.

So, here is my review of DOFP.

I love how they really made the future dark(figuratively, and literally). And even though the scenes from the future are only few, they really showed how the future Sentinels are cold-hearted and violent. I mean, they just pulled the shit out of Colossus until he's cut into half, stabbed Storm, sliced parts of of Sunspot and Iceman, and stabbed Blink. Three times.

And back in the 70s, they actually had nostalgia sending down our spines.

We're not that old, by the way.

And also, Quicksilver's scenes were actually good(People behind the Flash TV show, take notes.). Although the costume was actually pretty bad.

Actually, I'm glad that Singer erased the continuity of Origins and X3(And probably, including X1 and X2), which means, Cyclops and Jean Grey is back. Thank you, Singer. Thank you.

Although there are some plotholes that would make the first continuity(the Sentinel-ful timeline) confusing, with Mystique being imprisoned and experimented after killing Bolivar Trask(who, appeared in the third movie), and Bolivar Trask, instead of being played by Bill Duke, he is played by Peter Dinklage(CONTINUITY ERROR, I TELL YOU!), it's still one hell of a movie.

X-Men: Days of Future Past, Now Showing.


Linggo, Mayo 18, 2014

GODZILLA REVIEW(Sorta Having Spoilers)

Title: Godzilla
Starring: Bryan Cranston, Ken Watanabe, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen, Sally Hawkins, Juliette Binoche, David Strathairn, Victor Rasuk, and Carson Bolde

The king is back. THE KING. IS. BACK.

Just in time for Godzilla's 60th birthday, Legendary Pictures has made yet another Kaiju movie and a new Godzilla movie.

So, let's start it, here's my review:

Gareth Edwards has probably made the best Americanized Godzilla movie yet. One that Emmerich can't even beat. Edwards just put so much subtle references to Godzilla's origins. Like the line "In 1954, we awakened something." and the caption of the newscast at the end of the movie.

"King of the Monsters."

Bryan Cranston's performance, albeit being in a minor role, was a good performance. Although we don't actually set our standards low for his performance, Aaron's performance, and the king's performance(which is Godzilla, by the way).

And speaking of Aaron Taylor-Johnson, his performance was also satisfying and fantastic, so fantastic that you'd probably forget that he was Kick-Ass a few movies back. And his chemistry with Elizabeth Olsen was also "kilig-worthy", or romantic, which means everybody will feel awkward when Age of Ultron comes out next year.

And of course, Godzilla isn't the only kaiju to come and destroy, San Francisco, parts of Hawaii and other places, he brought Cockroach-zilla(MUTO) with him too.

Speaking of MUTO, the fights with Godzilla vs. MUTO was outstanding, so much better than fights in Pacific Rim. And also, the king's atomic breath was so cool, the 13-year-old in me was screaming and shouting!

Okay, I'm actually 13 years old, but it didn't stop me from screaming and shouting!

And lastly, the opening credits actually made me think of a Godzilla TV series, good job Gareth!

Generally, this movie will beat the expectations of people who think this will be the next Godzilla(1998)


Godzilla. Now Showing.

Biyernes, Mayo 16, 2014

Movies you should and shouldn't watch before watching the new Godzilla movie.

Okay, a new Godzilla movie is out, and the Americans are at it again. So, here's my what-to-watch list before you head to the theaters and watch it.

Godzilla or Gojira(1954)
US Title: Godzilla, King of the Monsters!

If you head to the theaters to watch the new Godzilla movie without seeing the source material, you must feel bad about yourself.

The first movie of all three series(Showa, Heisei, and the Millenium series), this movie tackles about nuclear paranoia while mixing it with the American monster genre.

A strong story and message, the acting and VFX may be dated but it will always be timeless, even 60 years later today.

Godzilla or The Return of Godzilla(1984)
US Title: Godzilla 1985

Merely a few years after Godzilla's disappearance in the movies, the "King of the Monsters" returns in the movie that starts the second series.

Although the American version is tweaked with scenes adding Canadian actor Raymond Burr reprising his role from the first movie as Steve Martin(the '54 version was also tweaked for the American audiences), it's still pretty much the same.

This revamp takes what made the first Godzilla movie fearsome and awesome both and gave it a necessary update for the next generation of monster movie aficionados.

Godzilla 2000: Millennium(1999)

The last movie to have a North American run until the Legendary Pictures remake and the first movie in the Millenium series, this movie also ignores the previous continuity except for the 1954 classic and is also considered as a sequel to the original movie.

And in this movie, Godzilla still proves that he is the king by fighting an alien and defeating it. There's no more that need be said, just watch it.

Destroy All Monsters(1968)

The ninth entry in the first series of the franchise and the twentieth kaiju movie made by Toho, this was supposed to be the last movie in the Godzilla franchise, giving it a bigger budget.

Set in the late 20th century, this movie has all the kaijus made by Toho at the time. And of course, Godzilla proves that he is the one and only king again by fighting all the kaijus, which means... WE. ARE. FUCKED. UP.


Godzilla: Final Wars

The 28th movie in the franchise, the 6th movie in terms of the Millennium era and the last Godzilla film to be actually made by Toho, Godzilla is more of an homage than an actual Godzilla movie.

Celebrating the king's 50th birthday, Director Ryuhei Kitamura picked the beast and the worst(and by worst, I mean the '98 Godzilla by Tristar) for the king to battle. I mean, what else is a good way to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Godzilla?

King Kong vs. Godzilla

The third movie of the franchise, this movie pits Godzilla against the 8th wonder of the world, King Kong.

Instead of stop-motion that was used in the original Kong movie, they used Godzilla's ground rules, which included suit-mation.

Who'd win in this battle, the 8th wonder of the world or the king of the monsters? You decide.



When I say don't watch this movie. Don't. Watch. This. Movie.

Even Roland Emmerich can't save this movie from impending disaster. The only film disaster Emmerich made, this movie was supposed to be the first one in a trilogy of American Godzilla movies. Oh, the horror.

This movie trades the mutated Godzillasaurus with a mutated lizard just to join the Jurassic Park bandwagon. I mean, this movie just has everything from Jurassic Park, just labeled as Godzilla.

So don't watch this. Ever. Never ever.